Ratings and recognitions
Here is an overview of ratings and recognitions as well as signings related to our sustainability work.
Rating agencies | Result 2024 |
Nordea | AAA |
Morgan Stanley (MSCI) | AAA |
Sustainalytics | 17,2 Low Risk (0 - 19,9 low) |
Standard & Poor´s (S&P) | 55/Stable |
ISS | Prime/C |
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) | Climate scoreC |
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) | Supplier Engagement RatingA- |
EcoVadis | Gold |
Ipsos | Best in finance in Ipsos' reputation ranking, and no. 14 among all companies in Norway |
Bærekraftsbarometer (Sustainability barometer) | No. 1: for non-life insurance and 12 among all Norwegian companies |
Sustainable Brand Index | No. 2: by insurance companies in the Sustainable Brand Index for Norway |
We are a member of | What/result |
UN Global Compact | The UN's ten principles for responsible business conduct, which deal with human rights, the environment and anti-corruption. |
UNEP FI PSI | UNEP Finance Initiative Principles for Sustainable Insurance |
UN PRI | The Principles for Responsible Investment is a UN-backed international network of financial institutions working together to implement its six ambition principles. |
NORSIF | Norsif is an independent association for asset owners, managers, service providers and industry organisations with an interest in responsible and sustainable management. |
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) | CDP is an initiative ('non for profit charity') established as a documentation system for companies' climate reporting, globally. Gjensidige has signed the CDP and as a result must submit annual reports detailing greenhouse gas emissions related to our operations and value chain, our reduction targets and measures, and our system for managing and reducing climate risk. |
Paris agreement 2015 | Global Intergovernmental Agreement concluded within the framework of the UNFCCC, in Paris in 2015. The aim of the agreement is to keep global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius compared with pre-industrial times, and strive to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. |
Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) | Task Force on Climate- Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is a global initiative that has developed a disclosure framework for companies related to climate risk. |
Grønnvaskingsplakaten (The Greenwashing Poster) | The greenwashing poster commits us to 10 points that are about communicating honestly and openly about what we do on the sustainability side. Communication and profiling should be based on actual improvements in the business – own business and value chain. |
Kvinner i Finans Charter (Women in Finance Charter) | Through the Charter, we have committed ourselves to follow up and report on four principles. This applies to dedicated responsibility for following up the work on gender balance and inclusion, setting internal goals for gender balance at management levels and in specialist functions, and an ambition that progress in the goals shall be reflected in the remuneration of our management team. |
Coalition for Responsible Business | koalisjonenkan.no |
Eco-Lighthouse - Norway | Recertified Head Quarter in Oslo in 2021 |
DGNB – Green Building Council Denmark | Our head office for Denmark in Copenhagen was silver certified in 2021 |
Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) | Gjensidige joined SBTi in the autumn of 2022. SBTi is an initiative under the auspices of the United Nations Global Compact, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the American World Resource Institute, and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The purpose of the initiative is to commit the global business community, with large companies at the forefront, to contribute significantly to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and thereby meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. The SBTi also covers the companies' value chain and investment portfolio. Specifically, we as a company must endorse the long-term objective and set binding targets in the short and medium term. In addition, both our targets and associated emission inventories must be approved annually by the SBTi. |
Skift – Business climate leaders | Gjensidige became part of the Skift network in 2022. Works to ensure that the business sector in Norway takes the lead and shows what business opportunities lie in the transition to a zero-emission society. |
The overview was last updated in Q2 2023.