Terms and conditions for use of the website
Ownership and copyright
Gjensidige has copyright to this website and its content.
Use of the website content
You cannot use the website content for other purposes or in any other way than those described below.
Use of content for personal and non-commercial purposes
As a user, you are only entitled to use the website and the website content for personal and non-commercial purposes. You can download, link to and print content from the website for personal and non-commercial purposes, provided that you respect any rights and/or reservations.
Use of content for commercial purposes
Media and other commercial parties can retrieve examples of insurance prices of the scope necessary for presenting limited price comparisons, provided that Gjensidige is cited as the source.
Mass retrieval of data is not permitted
It is not permitted to retrieve large volumes of insurance prices in order to form a picture of substantial parts of the company’s tariffs. If an attempt at mass retrieval of data is discovered, Gjensidige will consider taking legal action.