On this page you will find statutory reports and statements about non-financial matters in Gjensidige.
Statement of our due diligence assessments
The report has been prepared in accordance with the Transparancy Act.
Statement on equality
The equality report has been drawn up in accordance with the Equality and Discrimination Act.
The Board’s guidelines on the remuneration of executive personnel have been drawn up in accordance with Section 6-16 a of the Public Limited Liability Companies Act and the regulations on guidelines for and reporting of remuneration of executive personnel.
The remuneration report for executive personnel for 2023 was prepared by the Board in accordance with Section 6-16 b of the Public Limited Liability Companies Act and meets requirements of disclosures in the annual accounts pursuant to Sections 7-31b and 7-32 of the Accounting Act.
Statement of corporate governance
The report is based on the Norwegian recommendation for corporate governance dated 14 October 2021, and has been adapted to this and subsequent changes to the recommendation.