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Share owners

The list of shareholders in the Norwegian Central Securities Depository (VPS) contains a number of nominee accounts. Below are overviews of the 20 largest shareholders based on the register in VPS and based on an analysis of the nominee accounts provided by MUFG Corporate Markets IR Ltd. The analysis from MUFG is updated quarterly. Gjensidige does not guarantee that the list is complete.

20 largest shareholders according to VPS:

An overview of share owners according to VPS is available here: Offentlig Aksjeeierportal. Contact for an overview of owners of nominee-registered shares and other institutional investors as at 31 December last year.

According to Norwegian regulations, anyone can request an updated overview of owners of nominee-registered shares. The company uses external providers to obtain such overviews. Requests for updated reviews that require the company to obtain an updated overview will incur costs from external providers. The company will in accordance with applicable regulation require that the person requesting access covers these costs with payment in advance of the order.

20 largest shareholders according to the analysis provided by MUFG Corporate Markets IR Ltd.

The overview below is based on the list of share owners as at 31 December 2024

 Rank ShareownerShares (%)
3Deutsche Bank2.8
4BlackRock Inc2.8
5Storebrand Investments1.4
6DNB Asset Mgt1.4
7The Vanguard Group. Inc1.4
8Nordea Investment Mgt1.3
9Sparebank 1 Gruppen1.0
10KLP Kapitalforvaltning0.9
11State Street Corporation0.9
121832 Asset Mgt (Dynamic Funds)0.9
13Alecta Pensionsförsäkring0.8
14Svenska Handelsbanken Group0.7
15Kuwait Investment Office0.6
17Danske bank0.6
18UBS Group AG0.5
19Geode Capital Mgt0.5
20SAS Rue la Boètie0.3