Sustainability targets and strategy
The board has set ambitious sustainability targets to ensure that we fulfill our obligations to our stakeholders. The goals also help us fulfill our mission, vision and position. Our strategy will help us achieve our goals.
Our sustainability targets
A safer society
- 80 per cent of premium income sustainable by 2026 for products covered by the EU taxonomy for general insurance
- Engaged employees: >8 on a scale of 1 to 10 in our employee survey, and among the top 25 percent of companies in the financial industry in Europe that use a similar survey (Peakon)
Sustainability claims handling
- 35 per cent reduction in GHG emissions from claims by 2025, and 55 per cent by 2030, compared with 2019.
- All suppliers must sign the Supplier Code of Conduct
Responsible investments
- Net zero emissions in the investment portfolio by 2050
- All external managers must sign the UN PRI
Reduce climate emissions from your own operations
- 90 per cent reduction in GHG emissions from scope 1 and 2 by 2030, compared to 2019, and offset remaining emissions with the purchase of recognised emissions allowances
- We shall have best practices in corporate governance and adhere to the highest ethical standards
Our sustainability strategy
- Inform We will share our knowledge and expertise to contribute to effective damage prevention and sustainable solutions for customers and society at large
- Interact We will cooperate and provide incentives to customers and suppliers to contribute to increased reuse and a circular economy, while at the same time safeguarding human and employee rights
- Invest We will invest in customers and employees so that the best solutions for climate and nature are chosen. We shall make clear demands on the social responsibility we have in our own business, value chain and in our investment portfolio